Saturday, May 17, 2008

People of the Wakatobi  


People of the Wakatobi

The Wakatobi contains two major ethnic groups, the Pulau (Islanders, ethnic Indonesian) and the Bajau . The Pulau are generally considered to be ethnically Indonesian and speak a series of dialects and languages, many associated to Bahasa. People are mostly a mix of farmers, fishermen and businessmen.

The Bajau are an indigenous ethnic group residing in Sabah , eastern Malaysia , Brunei , Indonesia , the Philippines and parts of Sarawak . They are sometimes referred to as the Sea Gypsies , although the term has been used to encompass a number of non-related ethnic groups with similar traditional lifestyles. The Bajau of Indonesia live primarily on the islands and in the coastal districts of Sulawesi . The outward spread of the Bajau seems to have been associated with the development of sea trade in trepang .

For Wakatobi social, economic and anthropological research reports click here

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How to get there  



Bali to Kendari then 1 hour transfer to the harbor and board The Seven Seas

Sail overnight to northern Wakatobi National Park

Bali to Maumere then across to southern Wakatobi and leave from Kendari


(with contributions from Benjamin Farrar (aka Mr Ben))

Travel to the Wakatobi is not simple but it is well worth the hassle as the journey its self can be fun, as well as a cultural experience in its own right. Most journeys to the Wakatobi are via Makassar (Sulawesi capital) and the town of Bau-Bau (and possibly Kendari), located on the Island of Buton ( SE Sulawesi ).


lowongan kerja pekerjaan sambilan

Where is Wakatobi  


Where the heck is Wakatobi? - Wakatobi Resort is in far Southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia, positioned in the midst of a remote island archipelago group known to adventure travelers as Tukang Besi. Wakatobi is named after the four islands that surround it, Wangi Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. (Note the anagram Wa Ka To Bi). Yes its location is remote, quite literally on the fringe of "civilization." But that's precisely the point, for this remoteness is what makes the trip worthwhile.


What is Wakatobi  


Wakatobi is the name of an archipelago located in an area of Sulawesi Tenggara (South Eastern), Indonesia . The name Wakatobi is derived from the names of the main islands that form the archipelago: Wangiwangi Island , Kaledupa , Tomea , and Binongko . The group is part of a larger group called the Tukangbesi Islands .

The archipelago, located in the biodiverse hotspot known as Wallacea , was made famous by its namesake dive operation and community development project, the Wakatobi Dive Resort . An award-winning resort and environment protection company, this progressive operation has single-handedly brought this area to the top of the diving congnoscenti 's wishlists worldwide.

The Wakatobi is also home to Operation Wallacea , a UK based for non-profit conservation group looking at sustainable development of fisheries and coral reef research. An independent non-commercial website [1] has been set up about the marine park. This website contains tourist and travel information about the wakatobi, with additional resources about the biodiversity , conservation and local people.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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